Author: Meredith Plummer

Religion and Math

Happy Pi Day! Happy Pi Day!  In case you didn’t know, I’m a bit of a math nerd.  In elementary school, I would do mental math at night to fall asleep.  In High School, I competed in math competitions at the national level.  And, in college, I tutored both children and adults in the subject.  … Continue reading Religion and Math

Perfection or Connection

Carpet Tiles and the Purpose of Church Beloved, May I tell you a story?  One Sunday morning, several months ago, I found myself arriving late to church.  Not late enough to miss the service, mind you, but late enough that my to-do list suddenly went from being practical to aspirational – no way was I … Continue reading Perfection or Connection

Reflections on February

How Do You Cope? My husband and I have a saying this time of year, “F*****g February.”  Not that there is anything particularly wrong with the month itself.  Black History, Valentine’s Day, and Lent are all good.  It’s just that IF something is to go wrong for us, it usually goes wrong in February.  February … Continue reading Reflections on February

Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day! This may come as no surprise to you, but I love love.  Not gooey, mushy, romantic love… well, okay, gooey, mushy, romantic love, yes, but for the sake of this message I am talking about all kinds of love: the love that drives people to pay for the car behind them in … Continue reading Valentine’s Day