Who We Are

We are the First Unitarian Church of Cincinnati
We are a liberal religious haven sustained by tradition, boldly seeking justice, and gently transforming lives through deeds great and small.
We welcome all with love
We support learning and spiritual growth, serve our wider community, and work for justice, equity, and inclusion.
Our congregation was established in 1830
We have been an important part of the history of Cincinnati ever since. Our church history. First Church members throughout the years have taken up the challenges of championing individual and civil rights, leading educational and civic reform, and working to promote justice in daily affairs.
First Church has a strong religious education program
It is called Lifespan Faith Development. We also regularly hold social activities for members and their families. Community service projects in our Avondale neighborhood include sponsorship of the South Avondale Elementary School Tutoring Program and assistance with the Shiloh Food Pantry. Many members are active with UU the Vote. https://www.uuthevote.org/

Worship services are held each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time.
Services are held in-person in our large sanctuary and can also be viewed “live” on our YouTube channel.
Help us create a new future for First Unitarian Church of Cincinnati
We invite you to join us on this important journey! One that is welcoming to all who come to covenant with us. Come visit us on line or in person.