Adult Faith Development

Hello Beloved,

Welcome!  As Unitarian Universalists (U.U.) we believe learning is a lifelong process best done in community and covenant, and we are thankful you are here to learn with us!

The mission of Adult Faith Development (A.F.D.) is to “explore and discover, in community, new ways to view and work with moral and social issues in order for members and friends to strengthen their U.U. identity.”  A.F.D. recognizes that spiritual development is not hierarchical.  It is not a ladder on which to climb.  Instead, it is a spiral ramp on which we may ascend or descend, depending on life’s circumstances (and, in which, we find ourselves revisiting our beliefs at every turn).

A.F.D. strives to provide multiple entry points into our programming, so that no matter what time of year it is, or what stage of life you are in, there is a program for you! Check out Adult Learning This Month to learn about the programs we are currently offering.

And, please, feel free to email me with any questions you may have at any time.

In faith and service,

Mx. Meredith Plummer, Director of Lifespan Faith Development