SUNDAY, APRIL 16, 2023


Rev. Dr. Alex Riegel

The Search Committee is delighted to welcome Rev Dr Alex Riegel as First Church’s Developmental Minister
for the next 4-7 years! Here are some things we have learned about him.


Alex was born in Michigan and although unchurched, was very philosophical and questioning. He attended the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor with a major in philosophy and a minor in religion. A crisis of faith made him seek advice from his Hebrew professor who encouraged him to apply to Harvard Divinity School. That way, if he found his faith again, he could still pursue the ministry and if not, he could become a professor.
It was at Harvard that he encountered students who introduced him to Unitarian Universalism, which has been his chosen faith ever since. Graduating from Divinity School, he began his ministry in the greater Boston area and also earned a Masters of Theology and a Doctorate of Ministry.

 However, Alex’s ministry is not rooted in his mind; he draws upon study of world religious traditions and his commitment to spiritual practice. His spiritual journey is one of heart and his ministry calls our best selves through the path of the heart.
Alex is passionate about preaching from the wisdom he finds in religions, poets, and philosophy. And dogs. He will be bringing his furry companion, Godot, to church with him, and maybe share his sermon, “Zen and the Art of Being a Dog”.
When not preaching, Alex’s forte is adult religious education where he sees opportunities to engage in spiritual wisdoms together on our spiritual paths. Social justice is another area that Alex is passionate about as it’s where spirituality hits the worldly road and how we walk our religious talk. His special interest is antiracism and he looks forward to leading us further in this work.
Alex finds pastoral care to be vital to a healthy ministry and congregation so he makes himself available to people for counsel, visiting shut-ins, and daily interactions that demonstrate our faith. He says to expect him to gently challenge us with a persistent call to loving-kindness as we engage in beloved community.
Alex is excited about engaging First UU in ministry and is looking forward to meeting us all!