Become a Member
At some point in your faith journey, you may begin to feel you would like to be more than a guest here at First Unitarian Church.
You may feel that this has become your spiritual home, a community with whom you share values, a place to raise your children, a hub for involvement in social justice, a support in time of need, a place to make connections and have fun.

Meaning of Membership
Although we have no set doctrine or prescribed beliefs, we have shared principles. When you become a member, you are declaring you are in agreement with those principles and our Vision and Mission statements.
In addition, you are ready to:
- Participate in the life of the church
- Grow your own faith
- Give of your time, energy, and talents
- Support the church with an annual pledge
Privileges of Membership
- Right to vote on church matters
- Use of the church building and services of the minister in rites of passage
- Certification with the Unitarian Universalist Association, with the right to attend General Assembly and receive UUA’s magazine The World
Path to Membership
- Attend services and get to know us – take your time, get involved in an activity, talk with members
- Participate in Getting to Know You, Getting to Know UU, and First Church 101 small group sessions
- Sign the membership book at a new member signing ceremony, held once or twice a year
For any questions about becoming a member, or if you would like to learn more about small group sessions on the path to membership, please contact the Welcoming & Membership Team at

Getting to Know You
This small group session for visitors is hosted by the minister and the Welcoming & Membership team. It is our chance to get to know you and for you to get to know us. We’d love to learn more about what brought you to First Unitarian Church, your spiritual background, and answer any questions.
This 90-minute session is held every 2-3 months, alternating months with Getting to Know UU. Please contact if you are interested in attending an upcoming session. Sessions are available virtually and/or in-person.
Getting to Know UU
This small group session for visitors is hosted by the minister and the Welcoming & Membership team. We will share more about Unitarian Universalism, First Church and answer any questions.
This 90-minute session is held every 2-3 months, alternating months with Getting to Know You. Please contact if you are interested in attending an upcoming session. Sessions are available virtually and/or in-person.
First Church 101
This is the last small group session before visitors decide to become members. The session introduces the structure of the church, including staff, teams, and ways you can get involved; how we think about stewardship; and how the Board, staff, and congregation work together to advance our Mission.
Visitors who have attended Getting to Know You and Getting to Know UU are invited to First Church 101 and to consider becoming members.