Social Justice/Public Witness newsletter: Late Summer Edition

Big weekend ahead!

Friday, you can attend a Lunch & Learn at noon: Community Bail Funds. It features Atara Rich-Shea from the Community Justice Exchange. Atara is a Regional Organizer at the National Bail Fund Network. She provides capacity, technical, and systems coaching for the network bail & bond funds, and assists with larger campaigns to end pretrial detention. Learn more about Community Bail Funds and how they can contribute to fighting against the unjust and inequitable justice and jail systems in our communities. Register here

Join SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice) Cincinnati for a field trip to Ripley. We will be visiting two historic stations in the Underground Railroad. First stop is at the Rankin House at 11 am, one of the best-documented and most active Underground Railroad stations in Ohio. The Rankin House was the home of abolitionist and minister John Rankin and his family. Approximately 2,000 enslaved people stayed with the Rankins. After lunch at the Ripley Boat Club, we’ll also stop at the Parker House, where formerly enslaved person and conductor of the Underground Railroad, John P. Parker, lived. He helped hundreds of enslaved people to freedom. Registration is required and help us reserve spaces and set up carpools.

Be sure to look for the Faith Communities Go Green booth at the Festival of Faiths, Sunday, Aug. 27, 12 – 5 PM, at the Cintas Center at Xavier University! On Tuesday, August 29th, Faith Communities Go Green will host Dr. Cj Willie who will introduce the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) developed to teach faith communities worldwide to care for our common home. Faith Communities Go Green partners with religious communities to create a more sustainable and equitable future for all by mobilizing their moral voice to reduce the risk of catastrophic climate change. To learn more and join Faith Communities Go Green, a Green Umbrella & EquaSion Collaboration, go to

Please forward any items of interest or send unsubscribe requests to Debbie Davidson