Social Justice/Public Witness Calendar Week of 10/8/23

Monday at 10

Faith & Community Alliance is hosting its monthly Moral Monday meeting to discuss affordable housing and Issue 24, the ballot initiative to fund the Affordable Trust Fund. This hybrid meeting will be held at the Community Action Agency, 1740 Langdon Farm Road from 10-11:30 or you can zoom in here

Then at 5

Attend the Indigenous Day People’s Feast at Jacob Hoffner Park in Northside. Bring a dish to share!

Wednesday at noon

MARCC’s delegate meeting will feature Josh Spring, executive director of the Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition, to talk about the upcoming charter amendment for affordable housing. You can access the Zoom meeting here.  

Then at 7

You can attend the GAPP (Greater Anderson Promotes Peace) program Responding to Hate with Acts of Love at the Anderson Center, 7850 Five Mile Rd. More information here:

Thursday at noon

AIR (Applied Information Resources) holds their popular lunch and learn series at Christ Church Cathedral, 318 E 4th St to discuss the zoo and library levies. Bring a lunch or purchase one on-site.

Friday at 5:30

The Center for Community Resilience from Washington D.C. is coming back to Cincinnati! Plan to attend the film and discussion, America’s Truth – Cincinnati at the Lincoln Center, 1027 Linn St in the West End. We will be discussing how to move forward in a restorative justice manner; after the apology from Cincinnati City Council .For more background, refer to this City Beat article: 

Send items of interest or unsubscribe requests to Debbie Davidson