FFD Features: December 31, 2024

Hello Friends,

Happy New Year!

This past Sunday, your child learned about the Roman God Janus (for which January is named). As the god of transitions, Janus is often depicted with two heads – one looking back and one looking forward. We honored Janus on Sunday by looking back at 2024 and considering what we wanted to let go of – a painful memory, a hard feeling, a bad behavior? The children wrote or drew their answers onto a piece of water-soluble paper, shared with the group (if they wished) and then threw their paper into our ceremonial water bowl. Afterwards, half of the class took the action of letting go further by helping put away our chapel’s Christmas decorations, while the other half of the class started to look forward by creating 2025 calendars. At the end of class, everyone shared what they are looking forward to in 2025, and then we dumped our ceremonial water outside, at the base of one of our trees, while singing “let it go” and hitting the dumped water with sticks (your children’s suggestion – a way for them to own the ritual for themselves).

This coming Sunday is another Chapel Sunday.  This is also the Sunday we will begin our new curriculum. Your Preschool – Kindergarten kid will be introduced to Chalice Children, while your 1st – 6th grader will jet off with “Passport to the World’s Religions” to Nepal to begin learning about Buddhism. They will start by learning about the Buddha. Check out the Travel Itinerary below for more information on what’s planned for 1st – 6th grade this year.

In community and love,
– M

Not registered for Family Faith Development? You can register anytime by following this link.

Special Announcements

New Curriculum Coming in January

A travel itinerary which lists the nations the 1st - 6th graders will be "visiting" each month, along with the religion they will be studying.  It also provides some information on what the children will be learning each Sunday.  For January, the children will be traveling to Nepal and learning about Buddhism.  On January 5th they will learn about Buddhism.  On January 12th they will explore Mandalas.  On January 19th they will try meditation.  And, on January 26th they will learn about Vesak, or Buddha Day.

Based on feedback Family Faith Development has received since the start of this church year, the following changes will be coming to Sunday School this January…

  • The PreK – Kindergarten class will drop this year’s world religions curriculum in favor of Chalice Children, a curriculum focused on exploring the basics of religion like “Why do we go to church?” and “Why are rituals important?”
  • The 1st – 3rd and 4th – 6th graders will expand their understanding of the world’s religions with “Passport to the World’s Religions.”  This re-orientation of the year’s curriculum will have your child ‘traveling’ to different locations around the world to learn about a different religion, their beliefs, and holidays.  Passports and souvenirs included!  See the travel itinerary for what to expect each Sunday!

Family Game Night Coming in January

There will be a Family Game Party on Saturday, January 18, starting at 12:30 PM.  Community Builders will be leading this event, so be on the lookout for future communications from them.

Youth Writing Letters to Transform in February

At our last outing to Shiloh, youth indicated an interest in outings that focused on Social Justice.  With that in mind, your youth is invited to join me Saturday, February 1st at 5 PM for dinner and to make / write cards for Transform Cincinnati.

What’s Transform Cincinnati?  Transform Cincinnati provides free, gender affirming, clothes and community to trans kids in the Cincinnati area.  With the recent uptick in transphobia nationwide, Transform has started asking their supporters to write loving and affirming letters for their clients.

Parenting UU – A Small Group Discussion Series – Coming in February

A flier for "Parenting UU," a small group discussion series for "new" parents facilitated by Mx. Meredith Plummer.  Fridays: February 7, February 21, and March 7.  From 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM.  Potluck Dinner at 6:00 PM.  Childcare provided.  Register by days end Wednesday, February 5, 2025 by contacting Mx. Meredith.

Parenting is sacred work.  It is also incredibly taxing.  The good news is that, according to the Surgeon General’s Advisory on the Mental Health & Well-being of Parents, community can help by fostering “open dialogue about parental stress,” creating “opportunities to cultivate supportive social connections,” and elevating “the voices of parents and caregivers to shape community programs and investments.”  All of which we’ll do during Parenting UU, a small group discussion series for “new” parents this February.  If you are new to First Church, or have a child under the age of 10, this program is for you.  Childcare will be provided.  Dates, times, and registration information are below…

  • Dates: Fridays – February 7, February 21, & March 7
  • Times: Optional Potluck Dinner at 6 PM.  Program starts at 7 PM.
  • Register by Wednesday, February 5 here.

Taking It Home: December 29, 2024

On the New Year (Or, What to do Instead of Making Another Resolution)

In Roman Mythology, Janus is the god of beginnings and ends.  That is why the first month of the calendar year is named after him – January.  As we approach the new year, you may be thinking about this past year; what do you need to let go of?  Or, you may be thinking about the year ahead; what are your hopes and dreams?

In recent years, people within the religious education community have dropped the practice of making resolutions – since they are so seldom kept – in favor of choosing one word to reflect on, explore, and embody for the coming year.  Some words that have floated around the religious education community in recent years include sabbatical, play and rest.  What might your word be for 2025?

Simple Song

Sign this simple song with your children so that they may sign along in an upcoming service.  A recording of the song can be found here.  

Singing the Living Tradition #251 – Silent Night

Silent Night, holy night, 

all is calm, all is bright

Round yon virgin mother and child.

Holy infant so tender and mild,

Sleep in heavenly peace, 

Sleep in heavenly peace.

Silent Night, holy night,

Shepherds quake at the sight,

Glories stream from heaven afar,

Heavenly hosts sing “Al-le-lu-lia,”

Sleep in heavenly peace,

Sleep in heavenly peace.

Silent night, holy night,

Child of God,

Love’s pure light

Radiant beams from they holy face,

With the dawn of redeeming grace,

Sleep in heavenly peace.

Sleep in heavenly peace.

Suggested Resources

Here are some additional resources for adults and children…