Family Faith Development

Hello Beloved,
Tell me, how is it in your home? We, at First Church, know this is a difficult time to be a parent / caregiver. Research tells us there are more demands on parents’ time and energy than ever before. Perhaps all those demands have you feeling frustrated, burnt out, overwhelmed, or ambivalent. No worries, we got you.
The mission of Family Faith Development (F.F.D.) is to “grow lifelong UUs by fostering faith formation in children and youth, supporting families, implementing programming that recognizes important developmental milestones, and advocating for an inclusive and multi-generational church community.” Here, at First Church, we believe in meeting you where you’re at, that there are no bad children (just unmet needs), that y’all means all, and that love should be at the center of all we do.
If you would like to learn more about Family Faith Development’s philosophy and policies, please visit Children & Youth Policies. To learn more about this year’s programming be sure to take a look at our Program Offerings. Curious about what’s happening this week? Check out Children & Youth This Sunday, or Register your children for F.F.D. to receive weekly updates via email!
And, please, feel free to email me with any questions you may have at any time.
In faith and service,
Mx. Meredith Plummer, Director of Lifespan Faith Development