I would like to start a writing group at First Church as one path of inner work towards our True Selves through a practice of private writing supported by other writers. Personal discovery through writing is the primary outcome; sharing is secondary and always a choice.

This course is led by Barbara Bonney, member and lay leader at First Church.


On Tyranny is a brief guide that explains 20 strategies people can use to defend democracy in their country against the shift toward an authoritarian government. Timothy Snyder, a history professor at Yale, reminds readers that democratic regimes have fallen to tyranny since the very concepts of democracy and tyranny were invented in ancient Greece. Snyder suggests that American democracy faces the same threat of collapse that has occurred to other countries and explains 20 ways to help preserve it. Though Snyder teaches at Yale, and completed his PhD at the University of Oxford, he was born in Dayton, Ohio, and attended Centerville High School.

*Note – For the first session (at First Church) you are encouraged to bring a lunch for yourself.

This course is led by Dwayne Smith, member of First Church.


Action Science is a theory of organizational communication rooted in observation, psychology, and reason, profoundly effective in both for-profit and non-profit organizations. As a follow up to the cursory introduction to Action Science from last year’s “Prescriptions for Building Beloved Community” workshops at First Church, this course (4-5 sessions) will dive into the most salient principles of Action Science.

This webinar is led by Dr. Riegel, currently the Developmental Minister at First Church.


Dr. Riegel is considering a beginner’s Mantra and Meditation course beginning Mid to late Feb., running though the end of May or early June. This would be a biweekly, in person group. If you are interested (and willing to commit actually to attend a biweekly group during this period), please indicate so via the SignUp Genius link immediately below. (If there is enough interest, Dr. Riegel will soon be in touch to determine Day/Time/Place.)
