Lifespan Faith Development
Welcome to Lifespan Faith Development at First Unitarian Church!
Hello Beloved,

Beloved – what do you think of that word? It is a word I use often to refer to all those with whom I am connected. That includes First Church members, friends, visitors, partners, acquaintances, and those who are just curious about us (like you, perhaps). I like it because it distills my entire spiritual philosophy into one word. What’s your spiritual philosophy?
Whatever it may be – whether it be concrete, fluid, or ill-defined – welcome! Unitarian Universalism is a religion built on covenant, which means what you believe isn’t nearly as important as what you do. So, what does Lifespan Faith Development do? Well, in short, a lot! Lifespan Faith Development is actually the umbrella term for two programs at First Unitarian Church – Family Faith Development and Adult Faith Development. Families and households with children 18 or under can learn more about Family Faith Development here, while older youth and adults can learn about Adult Faith Development here.
Looking for something more? Check out Tools for the Journey, Lifespan Faith Development’s weekly blog, offering insight, inspiration and resources for daily life.
In faith and service,
Mx. Meredith Plummer, Director of Lifespan Faith Development