Author: Meredith Plummer

New Youth Advisor

Meet Mr. Jeff! Great News – Our new youth advisor, Mr. Jeff, will start Sunday, December 3rd! I know… I know… this post isn’t so much a “tool for the journey” as it is a simple announcement. But, I can’t keep quite! Mr. Jeff Jackson comes to First Unitarian Church from Ebenezer 2nd Baptist Church, … Continue reading New Youth Advisor

This Coming Out Day

Happy Coming Out Day! You may have heard it said that queer people never stop coming out. It’s true. I first came out when I was sixteen (around 2001). I started by telling my father that I was bi. Not long after that, I told my mother, and then a few close friends. It wasn’t … Continue reading This Coming Out Day

UU Summer Camps

Vacation, All I Ever Wanted! This past Sunday, my husband and I finally nailed down our family’s summer vacation plans. We will be heading to Pittsburgh towards the end of June to attend the final day of General Assembly, before exploring all that Pittsburgh has to offer (including a stop at Kennywood). I know, vacations … Continue reading UU Summer Camps

SAD and Adaptive Change

Get Off the Dance Floor Hello Beloveds, Though I have never been tested, I am pretty sure I have Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD).  Over the years I’ve thought about getting myself a sun lamp to help alleviate the symptoms, but as winter approaches each year, I tend to convince myself that “It won’t be that … Continue reading SAD and Adaptive Change

Trans Rights Now!

You Are Divine and You Are Loved! Hello Beloveds, The passage of Kentucky’s Anti-Trans bill last Wednesday demands a response… To begin, a message to our trans and nonbinary members, friends, and neighbors – we see you.  You are divine, and you are loved. To our members, friends, and neighbors who live and work in Kentucky … Continue reading Trans Rights Now!

Talking to Children about Gun Violence

How to Talk to Children about Gun Violence Hello Beloveds, In the wake of another school shooting this past Monday in Nashville, you may be wondering how to talk to the children in your lives about gun violence.  Here are some vetted resources that may help you… In love and light, faith and service, –          Meredith

Very Poorly Today

Paper in the Wind I’ve spent the better part of this morning thinking, wondering, wordsmithing what to write for this week’s edition of “Tools for the Journey.” Thoughts swirl around my head like torn slips of paper in the wind. I grab at them in hopes of finding the ‘right words.’ One slip of paper … Continue reading Very Poorly Today

Trains and Liminality

All Aboard! Hello Beloved, Here’s something not many people know about me – I watch passenger train videos on YouTube for fun.  Two of my favorites are Solo Travel Japan and Downie Live.  Trains are interesting forms of transportation, if you think about it.  They are designed to be liminal spaces – places where people … Continue reading Trains and Liminality