We gather in worship to find meaning and live more deeply. Worship creates connections within, among, and beyond us, calling us to our better selves, calling us to live with wisdom and compassion. We gather in person and online; our services are published live and archived on our YouTube Channel for all who wish to take part. 

The Chalice 

The symbol of our faith is the burning chalice. We light it at the beginning and extinguish it at the end of every service as well as before and after most church gatherings.

The Music

We are blessed with wonderful musical talent of all ages in our congregational midst. Music is an important part of every service from bell ringers, to classical hymns, to old time gospel, and modern rock.

While each service is different, elements of a typical Sunday morning worship service include:


A reflective piece of music sets the mood for a worshipful service.

Welcome and Greeting Our Neighbors

The week’s Worship Associate welcomes the congregation and reminds us of our purpose by reciting the First Unitarian Church Mission Statement. Afterwards, we turn to our neighbors and greet them.

Story for All Ages

The Time for All Ages invites everyone to focus on the message of the day’s service with an easily accessible story or object lesson.  The Time for All Ages ends with a wonder question for later consideration.

Children’s Processional

The Time for All Ages ends when the children who are in-person are sung to religious education class.

Centering Silence and Musical Meditation

We often share a minute of reflective silence, accompanied by a musical selection offered from our choir or house band, often tied to the topic of the sermon.


The sermon is the centerpiece of the service, helping us as we seek the “still point of the turning world.” You can check the sermon topic and speaker each week on our Upcoming Sunday Worship Topics page.

Closing Words and Extinguishing the Chalice

The leading speaker imparts some closing words the congregation takes with them beyond the service. The chalice is then extinguished.

Closing Words and Postlude

We leave each service with a rousing piece and a benediction that asks us to be mindful of the hopes and needs of the community in the coming week.