Social Justice/Public Witness Newsletter – Week of 3/9/24

ACLU Ohio has an action team meeting at Clifton Branch Library, 3400 Brookline. The SW Ohio team coordinator, Riley Taylor, was raised at First UU. For more information, email her.

Wednesday, you can zoom in to the MARCC delegate meeting at noon. Josh Spring, Executive Director of  Greater Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless, will discuss the rise of homelesseness and what we, as people of conscience, can do to make more units of low-income housing available. You may recall that MARCC adopted housing affordability/accessibility as a 2024 priority late last year. Zoom in here.

The Taft Lecture Series presents Dr. Robert Bullard, a man often called the “Father of Environmental Justice” at Christ Church Cathedral, 318 E Fourth St. Bullard was the first scientist to publish systematic research on the links between race and exposure to pollution, which he documented for a 1979 lawsuit; prior to that no one fully understood how a person’s surroundings affect their health. For more than four decades, Bullard has integrated human and civil rights with environmental justice and embraced the principle that all people and communities have a right to equal protection and enforcement of environmental laws and regulations. More information here and registration here. You might also be interested in learning about the medical consequences of climate change, and its adverse effects on human society (e.g. migration, poverty, food insecurity, etc.) on March 25th at 7. Speakers include Kathleen Downey, MD and Caroljean Willie, SC, Ph.D. Register for the virtual program here.

SURJ-Cincinnati (Showing Up for Racial Justice) presents Sisters at Heart. A young English teacher at an LA high school reached out to TV shows looking for a way to connect her students to reading and writing through prime time. Bewitched star Elizabeth Montgomery responded with an invitation for the class to come to the set. As a thank you, the group collaborated on a storyline about black-and-white friendship that became a 1970 holiday episode; Montgomery often referred to as her favorite. Registration for the Zoom link here.