Starting Monday and continuing through May 19th

The Taft Museum of Art features African Modernism in America, an exhibit of more than 60 works created in Africa during the 50s and 60s. Free on Sundays, perhaps this would be a good opportunity to patronize a black-owned restaurant after church and view the exhibit. Email Debbie Davidson if interested.
Monday at 5

Right to Be’s Street Harassment training will address various scenarios with a toolbox of techniques; start by deepening your understanding of street harassment and its impact. Then talk through five strategies for intervention: distract, delegate, document, delay, and direct; and how to prioritize your own safety while intervening. Register here.
Looking ahead…

MARCC’s annual meeting will occur on Tuesday, February 27th from 11:30 – 1:30 at the United Way building, 2400 Reading Rd. At this in person gathering, Vice Mayor Jan Michele Kearney will address the topic, “Problem Solving Community Gun Violence Intervention and Affordable Housing.” Register here.

On Saturday, March 2nd, Ohio Poor People’s Campaign will hold a Moral March at the Columbus State House to advocate for a living wage, equal access to health care, environmental justice and immigration law reform. If interested, contact Debbie Davidson to coordinate car-pooling.