Social Justice/Public Witness calendar: Memorial Day edition

Don’t forget the church picnic Sunday at 11!

Bring something to share, your own table service and games. I was not aware that the land was donated by a First UU member; Embshoff Woods is at 4050 Paul St, Delhi Township:

Pride Month is almost here

Start with the Northern Kentucky Pride Festival next Sunday, 6/4 beginning at 11! Goebel Park, 501 Philadelphia St. Be there or be monochrome…

Hillcrest Academy Petition

Lyn Martin requests you sign the petition to ask Hamilton County to reconsider it’s decision to close Hillcrest Academy on August 1st and share it within your networks; it serves male youth between the ages of 12 and 19 years with a history of delinquent behaviors, mental health issues, abuse/neglect, and special education needs. The program provides essential services to youth who should not be incarcerated, but who cannot succeed in the community without appropriate services, support and supervision. For moderate and higher risk youths, these services currently do not exist in Hamilton County without Hillcrest Academy. There will be an open house June 7th from 5:30-7:30, 246 Bonham Rd, 45215. Find the petition here:

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