In the UU-verse
News and happenings in the broader Unitarian Universalist community.
- Maryann Batlle: You must be willing / to dream a dream / that carries forward / your community…
- Julie Yeeun Kim: Anger is not at all what people think it is. Anger has been kind and caring to me.
- Our Disaster Relief Fund is part of a covenant—a covenant between the UUA and congregations, between congregations who give generously and those in need, and with our community partners.
- DanaLee Simon: Joy arises like a gift, beyond my own deserving.
- Geoff Duke: I’ve found it helpful to think about parts of my life as cycles or spirals instead of a single, often meandering path.
- Rumni Saha: Holiness is within us; wholeness is around us.
- Kim Mason: The winter holidays are beautiful and celebratory; they’re also hard and complicated.
- Maryann Batlle: The coalition provides potentially life-saving aid to transgender, two-spirit, and other gender-expansive people.
- Rayla D. Mattson: May we recognize that our gardens and our lives can grow abundantly, even when we don’t understand how.
- Jo VonRue: There are many ways to connect.