First Unitarian Church Welcomes You!
We are a liberal religious haven, sustained by tradition, boldly seeking justice and gently transforming lives through deeds great and small.
All of our Sunday morning services (10AM) are streamed (and recorded) live on YouTube. You can access our YouTube channel at this link:
March 23: “Hope: Stretching, Yearning, Discovery, and Resolve,” Rev. Mary Tarbell-Green
Martin Luther King, Jr. was quoted as saying: “We must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope.” What do we do when there is a lament or angst in our heart and perhaps a sense of helplessness of hopelessness? Today’s reflections are not about fixing but rather about a continuum of care for our soul-being, aching hearts,and, communal thread of capacity, ease, and, grace.
March 30: “A Word We Haven’t Used in a While,” Rev. Sharon K. Dittmar
It has been over eight years of hard news. For many of us, joy and contentment seem elusive. We are weary. In the midst of weariness we still have jobs, families, and other responsibilities. How can we recognize and honor good moments in our lives, so that challenges remain in perspective? How can we find joy?
April 6: Intergenerational Earth Day Service, Dr. Alexander Riegel and Meredith Plummer, DLSFD
Join us this Sunday for an intergenerational service, honoring the earth AND committing to her care.
April 13: “Do You Hate the Devil?”, Dr. Alexander Riegel, Developmental Minister
So much of our mental energy these days is spent on antagonism and anxiety. Indeed, many of us are living in a self-created mental dystopia. Is it possible to live otherwise in today’s world? That wise Sufi master, Rabia, had sage advice for us all. Come, consider what wisdom she had to share!
April 20: “The Gospel of Mary”, Dr. Alexander Riegel, Developmental Minister
This Easter we will pivot from the traditionally patriarchal emphasis on Jesus and consider his spiritual relationship with women, especially Mary. (Did you know that there even is such a thing as a Gospel of Mary? Women we indispensable to the early church!)
All are welcome to join our services. We gather every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
Join us in person or watch online on our YouTube Channel:
For more information email

We are a caring Unitarian Universalist community in the centrally located Avondale neighborhood of Cincinnati. We meet in a warm and graceful building, circa 1889, for worship services that nourish spiritual growth and learning throughout life. A self-governed congregation in good standing with the Unitarian Universalist Association, we are an active force for positive change through a variety of activities that serve our members and our community.
If you are a member here, an internet traveler or a spiritual searcher, if you are experiencing hard times and need a hand up or are a social justice advocate, come to First Church and share in the celebration of life’s journey. We cherish human diversity, the differences in sex, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, range of abilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, financial means, education, theology and political perspective. These values apply to all of the activities of our Congregation.
In an effort to streamline our church announcements, the Communications Task Force along with the Board are reviewing current messaging vehicles and would like your feedback.
What we learn from this exercise will influence where and how announcements go out to the congregation, so your participation is very important.
Please go to to learn more and answer 3 simple questions.
As a thank you, one person will be randomly chosen from the list of respondents and will win flowers in their name at an upcoming service.

Our Doors Are Open!